Friday, February 02, 2007

Best Will

In an earlier post, I had made an effort to "bury George Best, not to praise him", to paraphrase old Will.

Speaking of which, George Best's will has been released, in which he leaves just one watch to his son Calum, everything else to his sister Barbara, and nothing at all for his 2 ex-wives or his other 3 siblings.

We are told that this is "a commemorative designer watch from the 1994 World Cup".

So why did this one particular sister get favoured over the others? Well, as her lawyer tell us, "Barbara McNarry was named as the key beneficiary in part because she oversees a memorial fund in Best's honor and was most involved in promoting his legacy."

To end with another of the Bard's quotes: "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

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