Friday, August 21, 2009

All Day Long

I've been watching a couple of movies recently that each spanned the course of just one day. And what stories! So that got me thinking....

It's remarkable how such powerful stories can be told and so much action unfold (wow, that rhymes too!) within such a short time span.

So here's a (very) short selection of daylong movies.

Dog Day Afternoon: Is it a bank robbery gone crazy? Or is it a take about something else? And who exactly are these robbers? And what's their motivation? Real crazy stuff!

Training Day: A police procedural on high. Why didn't *both* the lead actors get an Oscar each?
"King Kong ain't got shit on me!"

Falling Down: Michael Douglas acts almost as good as Robert Duvall. Brilliant.
"I'm just going home".

Any other memorable ones you can think of? Any from Bollywood?
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Just One Word

How famous do you have to be to compel the world to notice and address you by one, just ONE word? You and only you are identified with that one single eponymous word. Not your father, nor any other relative, indeed none of your family. When that word is uttered, it's you they are talking about. You own that name!

Who does make it then?

How about Madonna? Hmm, that would be cheating, right? Coz she does have just one name anyways, right? Nope! She was born Madonna Ciccione, and despite having had the handicap of being named after a really famous personage, has made the name her very own in the modern world.

And hey, pseudonyms shouldn't count. I mean, which parent would have normally named their kids Sting (Gordon Sumner, Ladies & Gentlemen) or Bono (Paul Hewson, everyone!)?

Well, my own nominees for this honour would be Gandhi, Mandela, Garbo, Ali, Churchill. All real heavyweights!

Anyone else come to mind?
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