Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fond Mothers & the "Others"

Today's paper reports a Qatari man is to be executed for raping his daughter. Heinous crime, no doubt, and what's also disturbing is this statement from the judge:

"Cases of rape......are becoming more frequent. I believe this is due to the fact that the traditional society is suffering from a cultural shock, mainly due to the growing presence of immigrants. Values and habits are rapidly changing and violence in [sic] increasing."

So blame even this on them, eh? :-) The "furriners".

अपने गिरेबान में भी झाँक कर पहले देखो एक बार ....

Reminds me of that fond mother who while watching her soldier son on parade said," Look! The entire platoon is marching out of step! Only my son is marching correctly!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talking of rape,you would remember this incident in UP where the father in law rapes his daughter in law and she gets ostracized by the so called "learned ones". What was shameful was the UP chief minister coming out in support of the learned ones all bcoz of political expediency.Makes you wonder where your leaders are taking you
