Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sudden Death

Jailed China judge dies of 'adult sudden death syndrome'

Reuters Tuesday, 1 May 2007

BEIJING: A Chinese judge charged with corruption died in his cell from "adult sudden death syndrome", Xinhua news agency said on Monday. Investigators said Li Chaoyang, 38, had been uncooperative while in detention .... "Cuts on his face and other injuries" had been caused by a fall during an escape attempt, they said.

I love the jargon these officials come up with! :-) Although to be fair, there is supposed to be a Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS for the acronymically minded), as corresponding to SIDS (Figure that one out yourselves!). But an uncooperative judge showing signs of injury in jail dying of ASDS (per the Chinese news agency) is a bit much!

And how are you judged to be uncooperative? That too, in a Chinese jail?

In another (slightly related) news, Chinese authorities are asking public officials to pay less attention to their mistresses and more to their own parents.

Apparently they have found a direct correlation between the quantity (and quality) of mistresses kept by public officials and their proclivity for corruption! Hmmm, that's rather surprising, no? ;-)

Paul Wolfowitz must be thanking his stars he's not Chinese!

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